I'm free!

So here I am, it's a Monday afternoon, and I'm free.
No office to cage me in, no computer I don't want to sit behind, no work I have no passion for, no subconscious fear of the dreaded beast (read: ex-boss) to make an appearance and spoil my day.
I'm free, I'm unemployed, but free.  With a million plans to fill my time with!
Things I'm looking forward to in the next few months:

  • Starting classes at the University of Stellenbosch on Tuesday, 26 January 2010.  Post grad diploma in Translation, here I come!  (finally)
  • Finishing up all the little details of our wedding.
  • Getting married on 13 March 2010  :)
  • Going on honeymoon to Mauritius straight after!
  • Settling into my new (our!) home.
  • My 30th birthday on 29 April 2010.
  • My first winter in our home (think loads of cosy evenings around the fireplace...)
  • Starting up my own freelance translation and editing business and working from home from now on.
  • Putting some well-overdue love into our garden!
  • Being creative in our house (read: making a few exciting changes)
  • Being more creative overall (read: making more time for hobbies)
  • Getting my pictures sorted and having quite a few printed for our home and finding the right spots for it.
  • Finding more art for our walls and finding the perfect spots to hang the pieces we already have.
  • Spending quality time with my forever-boyfriend but also husband-to-be in a place I can finally call HOME after a few less-than-stable months of travelling between a few homes and living out of an overnight bag.
All wonderful, exciting, positive things.  I feel so blessed!  This year has definately started off well and I'm determined to continue facing each day with the passion and the energy to make the best of every second! 


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