
image credit: imstillgonnashine

 I spend too much time wondering.
Wondering and thinking, about life, about people, about situations, about what has happened, about what is happening, about what might happen. Instead of just living in the moment, I'm mostly in another time frame - in the past, in the future.
I intellectualise.
I analyse.
I project and plan and evaluate.
All the time.
I spend too much thinking that I end up doing less.
Does that ever happen to you?



  1. I'm sitting around, scanning old notes from high school. Basically crap I've been toting around for 20 years now, but never bothering to read. One of them is a letter from a girl I dated and she's rejecting me in the letter because she doesn't like that I smoked and she just didn't have feelings for me. I get that now, but didn't understand it then. She also included a version of this poem where she changed a few minor things.

    I'm only commenting because you may find it humorous that she lifted the poem you've posted here from Danielle Steele and didn't attribute it to her. I know I find it funny.



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