I love what I do.

image credig: weheartit

I want to write about how much I love what I do.  Let me start at the beginning.
I took a big risk at the beginning of 2010.  
After much thought and deliberation I quit my job (which I really didn't like - it was the last of a string of not-so-great jobs I've taken which were leading nowhere) and slid back into the world of being a full-time student.  
Yes, a full-time student.  
How great is that? And this at 30!
I still feel very lucky to have been able to make this decision.  My career was going nowhere and I felt it was time (at last) to further develop the skills and talents I was given.
It was time to do what I actually want to, to do what I was good at.
So I enrolled for the Postgraduate Diploma in Translation course at Stellenbosch University. I passed the entry exams and before I knew it I was sitting in a class filled with like-minded people with a passion for words.
It was nerve-wrecking at first and I suddenly felt unsure of my abilities, but I soon got into the swing of things (read: constant, hard work, stress, time management, having to study after more than 7 years of not doing so).  
I reevaluated myself, my life, my career.  It was a fabulous journey of self-discovery which wasn't always easy but I now realise how valuable it was.
And I was broke!  
I had to adapt to being the church mouse student I once was.  Very few luxuries, very little shopping.  And look, I've survived! 

I love working with words.
I love editing texts.
I love proofreading - every second of it.
It excites me.  
It gives me a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment.  
It boosts my confidence.  
It gives me hours of pleasure.  
It keeps my brain alive!
And yes, sometimes it is tiring and stressful, and I don't feel like doing it.  
But that's normal and just the way life goes.
Suddenly this year is coming to an end and a bittersweet feeling blew in with the Spring breeze.
I really hope to find a job which will give me the opportunity to show what I've got.
I am good at this; it's my passion.  
I just need someone to give me a chance to prove that!
I feel grateful when I look back at this year.
It's been a fantastic ride!

{That's why I love what I do and I feel lucky.}


  1. Ek dink dis awesome dat jy jou passie in a career verander het :)You go girl!
    PS: Jou blog is awesome! Love dit!


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