This will be my last blog post while I'm still in my 20's. Tomorrow I'll be 30 years old! What an interesting feeling. My body is 30 years old, but my mind is still 19. It's great, but strange at the same time. I've done so many wonderful, wonderful things during these 30 years - it's been one hell of a ride so far! Between my 20th and 30th birthday I've pretty much had a taste of the following, in no particular order: Experienced being a Matie and obtaining a BA degree in Information Science My first overseas trip to France Fell in love way too many times Had my heart broken more than once Broke a heart or two Did online dating and had a few flings Overseas trip to the UK and Italy My first real 'big' job Several other jobs after that Experienced the negativity of a bad working environment and bad bosses Getting retrenched and being unemployed Had my wisdom teeth removed Spent time in hospital as result of my tonsils Took more risks Fell in...
image credig: weheartit I want to write about how much I love what I do. Let me start at the beginning. I took a big risk at the beginning of 2010. After much thought and deliberation I quit my job ( which I really didn't like - it was the last of a string of not-so-great jobs I've taken which were leading nowhere ) and slid back into the world of being a full-time student. Yes, a full-time student. How great is that? And this at 30! I still feel very lucky to have been able to make this decision. My career was going nowhere and I felt it was time ( at last ) to further develop the skills and talents I was given. It was time to do what I actually want to, to do what I was good at. So I enrolled for the Postgraduate Diploma in Translation course at Stellenbosch University. I passed the entry exams and before I knew it I was sitting in a class filled with like-minded people with a passion for words. It was nerve-wrecking at first an...
credit: Arianna Belle So I've been working hard the past couple of weeks. And I've been really productive, go figure. I have no idea why, but things are just.. easier to do. I think it's because I want to finish up what I've started this year. I want to prove to myself that I can still do this. It's good to be busy. :)
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